Starkweather Umbrellas

"How cool is this umbrella? The vision behind the Starkweather Umbrella is to give a sense of comfort through a real-life hand cast as the handle, essentially providing a sense of companionship which is what most of us need when we're caught in the rain. It's literally the biggest conversational piece I own. Everywhere I go people ask about it."

"Starting my rainy morning out right (skinny soy vanilla latte & Starkweather Umbrella)"

"The Starkweather Hand Umbrella is luxurious and ergonomically designed—offering a reassuring hand to hold onto when the weather’s not its best."

"The Umbrella is designed and manufactured in Brooklyn New York and I have to say on first impression I was a little unsure of what I thought about holding a hand, but I want to tell you that I have not been able to put it down and what is more important is that my husband and niece who is staying with me for a week also has had to keep picking it up."

"Ever feel lonely when you're carrying your umbrella? Neither did we...until we saw Starkweather’s absurdly adorable limited-edition Bridget version ($349); the handle is molded from an actual human hand (that of “Bridget,” we assume), and the result is constant rainy-day companionship."